XP Program FAQ
Why am I seeing "Deposit Limit Reached"?
The XP program may cap USDT deposits. You are seeing this because the caps have been reached.
I deposited successfully but can't see my points or staked balances updating.
Try refreshing the page. If you still can't see your balances or points updating, please reach out to us on Telegram.
Will I lose my points if I withdraw?
Nope! You can withdraw at any time and keep your points.
What is the XP Farm?
The XP Farm is the smart contract that you will deposit stablecoins into to earn XP and other incentives. Contract details can be found here.
Can a referral code be reused?
No, a referral code can only be claimed by one person.
How do I refer someone?
Copy the referral URL corresponding to any unclaimed code, and send it to the user you want to refer. Visit the referrals page to access your referral codes.
Does staking lvlUSD earn XP
No, slvlUSD holders do not earn XP.
Didn't see an answer to your question? Reach out to us on Telegram!
Last updated