This section highlights the risks of using or staking lvlUSD, how we mitigate the risks and any plans to handle these risks further.
Collateral Risk
Description: Risk that the underlying collateral is insolvent
Strict criteria for deciding what collateral to accept to back lvlUSD
Currently, the only collateral accepted are USDC and USDT\
Lending Risk
Description: the underlying lending protocols may accrue bad debt
Strict criteria for deciding which lending protocols to deploy collateral onto, including size, what collateral a lending protocol accepts, and historical performance during periods of heightened volatility. For lending protocols where collateral assets are selected by curators, we apply a similar methodology to the curators.
Slashing Risk
Description: Operators we delegate restaked assets to may get slashed, leading to insolvency
Currently, Level is only restaking onto Symbiotic. Level's Symbiotic vaults are configured to redirect slashed funds back to the reserve managers.
Other restaking protocols will undergo a risk/reward analysis, which includes features such as history of slashing, diversity of the operator set, and historical performance.
Smart Contract Risk
Description: Vulnerabilities in smart contracts that lvlUSD collateral is deployed into, or that manage lvlUSD collateral may make lvlUSD insolvent
All smart contracts are audited by our auditing partners, and audits are published on our website (link)
Internally, at least one other engineer peer reviews all smart contract code
Level may also run competitions or have bug bounties in the future to gather feedback from the community.
Operational Security Risk
Description: certain protocol functionality, such as emergency collateral rescue functions, are controlled by permissioned roles, which may become compromised.
All admin roles are multisigs
All end-signers are cold wallets.
The team cannot unilaterally execute transactions; there must be at least one external signer.
External signers are known, reputable firms such as Spearbit.
Last updated